At PrimePlay Mod APK, we respect the rights of content creators and copyright holders. This DMCA policy is designed to outline our commitment to intellectual property rights and how we handle copyright infringement claims.

Note: Please send your infringement claims to our designated agent at [[email protected]]. We take copyright infringement claims seriously and will act promptly to address your concerns.

Reporting Copyright Infringement and Our Role -

We do not host or store any copyrighted materials on our website. All information and content presented on our website are based on publicly available information from other sources on the internet. We act solely as a fan page and aggregator of content related to PrimePlay.

Content Removal:

If you, as the copyright owner, believe that your content should not be available on our fan page, please take the necessary actions to have the content removed from the original source on the internet. Once the source is no longer available, the content will also be removed from our fan page.

Final Note:

We are fans of PrimePlay and aim to provide information and resources related to the platform and its content. We respect the rights of content creators and encourage the legal and legitimate distribution of intellectual property.

Thank you for understanding our commitment to intellectual property rights. Your cooperation is vital in maintaining the integrity of our fan page.